Little White Chapel Flowers

12 rose bouquet

12 Rose Handtied Bouquet

12 roses with filler and greens. Roses come in light pink, hot pink, white, and red with the same options for ribbon color.


18 rose bouquet

18 Rose Handtied Bouquet

18 roses with filler and greens. Roses come in light pink, hot pink, white, and red with the same options for ribbon color.




Gentlemen's boutonniere wrapped with ribbon. Roses come in light pink,hot pink, white, or red.


Custom Floral - Not Included in Packages

Our talented florists will whip up anything your heart desires! Seriously, the sky's the limit! Choose a custom bouquet below as is, tweak it or show us a design of your own creation. We're here to make your floral dreams come true!

Psst... upgrade costs vary and can be surprisingly affordable, so don't hesitate to ask your wedding planner for details!
Lady Di Bouquet

Lady Diana Cascade Bouquet

An elegant bouquet filled with roses, freesia, calla lilies, orchids and accented with hanging amaranths.


Indigo Bouquet

Indigo Bouquet

Lush hydrangea flowers mixed with calla lilies and subtle touches of belladonna. Hydrangea is offered in blue, white, pink, or green. Bella Donna is featured in shades of blue. Choice of ribbon.


Daisy Bouquet

Daisy Bouquet

18 Gerbera Daisies hand tied with choice of ribbon color. Choose up to 2 colors for the daisy's in a selection of light or dark pink, orange, white, and yellow.


Geneveive bouquet

Genevieve Bouquet

A modern bouquet filled with calla lilies, orchids and roses with a modern skirt in aspidestra leaf. Your choice of color in floral and ribbon.


Monique bouquet

Monique Bouquet

This is a beautiful handtied bouquet in solid cymbidium orchids with your choice of a ribbon skirt or aspidistra leaf skirt. Your choice of color in floral and ribbon.


Alana Bouquet

Alana Bouquet

This tropical beauty features cymbidium orchids, orange protea, coxcomb, and calla lilies mixed in with tropical greenery.


Noelani Orchid Bouquet

Noelani Presentation Bouquet

This modern take on the cascade is filled with beautiful and exotic Phalaenopsis Orhids. Select color selections available.


Calla Lily Handtied Bouquet

18 Calla Lily Handtied Bouquet

This modern bouquet is filled with 18 calla lilies in any color with your choice of a ribbon skirt or an aspidistra leaf skirt.


Sunflower bouquet

Sunflower Bouquet

A bright, stunning bouquet that features 12 yellow sunflowers and mixed greenery. Arranged in a handtie style with your choice of ribbon.


Violet bouquet

Violet Bouquet

This classic yet elegant bouquet showcases hydrangea and tulips. Hydrangea can be selected in white or purple. Tulip color options include purple, red, white, pink, orange, or yellow.


Evangeline bouquet

Evangeline Bouquet

This classic bouquet is filled with 18 roses and 10 calla lilies with accents of lily grass and ribbon skirting. Your choice color of roses, callas and ribbon.


Sage bouquet

Sage Bouquet

A unique, boho style bouquet. This bouquet has bountiful garden roses, lovely dahlias, both paired with succulents and a variety of greenery.


Bridgerton Bouquet

Bridgerton Bouquet

A pastel mix of pink lark, blue delphinium, pink snaps, quicksand and lavender roses, pale yellow spray roses, blush dahlias tied together with periwinkle ribbon.


Chloe Bridal Bouquet

Chloe Bouquet

12 White Garden Roses, 6 White Anemones, Accented with Mini Black bows and Velvet ribbon.


Raven Bouquet

Raven Bouquet

A handtied bouquet with Burgundy snaps, Chocolate queen Ann's lace, Burgundy dahlias and ranunculus, quicksand roses and cream spray roses tied together with a black lace ribbon.


Maleficent Bouquet

Maleficent Bouquet

"A handtied bouquet of hearts roses, chocolate queen Ann's lace, red spray roses, red ranunculus, burgundy dahlias and monkey tail fern. Wrapped in plaid and lace ribbon.


Beetlejuice Bouquet

Beetlejuice Bouquet

A mix of Purple hydrangea, green trick, hanging amaranthus, Monkey tail, Black roses and white garden roses wrapped in black and white ribbon.


Halloween Bouquet

Halloween Bouquet

Custom black and orange roses, black roses, orange coxcomb, safari sunset, green trick, green hanging amaranthus, monkey tail, and cat tails.


Dragon Bouquet

Dragon Bouquet

A pastel mix of pink lark, blue delphinium, pink snaps, quicksand and lavender roses, pale yellow spray roses, blush dahlias tied together with periwinkle ribbon.


Custom Floral for Your Wedding 

Remember, you are not limited to the flowers seen on this page! Our florists are happy to design something unique for you or replicate a bouquet from an image you send us. We also make floral arrangements for chapel decor, centerpieces for your reception, corsages for honored guests and more.